Dewan Koperasi Indonesia ( DEKOPIN )
An organization called Central Organization of Indonesian People’s Co-operative (SOKRI) which has now become Dewan Koperasi Indonesia (DEKOPIN) or The Indonesian Co-operative Council. Up to now DEKOPIN is a single organization of the Indonesian co-operative movement as stipulated in the explanation of article 57 of the law co-operatives member 25 of 1992.
As the autonomous organization, DEKOPIN performs the tasks of promoting the ideal, values and principles of co-operative; representing Indonesian co-operative movement both at domestic and international forums; and undertake the role as a counterpart of the government in the development of co-operative in Indonesia. To effectively perform its function and role within the entire region of Indonesia, co-operative movement at provincial level establishes Provincial Co-operative Council (Dekopinwil), and at municipal or district level establishes.
Dekopin is a single, idiil and autonomous cooperative movement organization based on Pancasila as a national policy as well as cultural values, personal awareness, solidarity, family, and cooperation. DEKOPIN bases its functions on Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, as well as guided by the identity of Cooperatives as adopted by Cooperatives around the world and the applicable Law on Cooperatives. DEKOPIN aims to build and develop the capabilities of the Cooperative in its position as a national economic system and actor in order to realize national economic governance based on the constitution while still upholding the identity of the Cooperative.