
My Community Assistance Performance Platform

A comprehensive e-commerce platform that brings together all merchants, providing a unified marketplace for customers to discover and purchase a wide range of products from various sellers.

MyComAPP ( Consumer )

 A comprehensive rewards and rewards platform.
 Easily search for the products you need anytime, anywhere.
 One-click ordering, enjoy convenient shopping instantly.
 Shopping is not only convenient and fast, but also rewarding.

MyComAPP ( Merchant )

 Product Management: Manage product information conveniently and quickly, including adding, editing and deleting products, setting prices and descriptions, etc.

Sales Analysis: Provides detailed sales data and reports to help merchants understand sales trends and optimize sales strategies and inventory management.

 Customer Management: Manage customer information and order history to help merchants to enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Order management: manage the order process, including order receipt, processing, delivery, etc.