
Black Thorn
The Black Thorn durian is also rounder and smoother than other durian varieties. And there is a black thorn at the bottom, which gives this variety its name. The fruit flesh is orange, and the texture is soft as silk

Durian Black Thorn which is also known as Duri Hitam (Malay), Ochee (Chinese), and Hei Tze, Durian Black Thorn has a bright yellow and rosy orange hue, with its signature mark being its thick core and a reddish-brown line along the middle of the durian.

Black Thorn’s flesh is thick and creamy. Comparing it to Mao Shan Wang, Black Thorn Durian tastes sweeter and more custardy. It also has a lighter texter. On the price side, Black Thorn can be equally or even more expensive than Mao Shan Wang. Try out our durian delivery service and taste your Black Thorn durian now!