Spleen and Stomach Adjustment!! Don't Believe You Use It!!! 7 Nutritional Millet Pastes
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🌸 Every morning, give your baby a cup of nutritious and delicious millet paste to warm your baby's spleen and stomach and evoke a good day! Share it with the family today, it is not the same in a week, (8-month-old babies can eat it)

Arrange it for the baby in the house!
Blender breakfast recipe one millet paste series ~

🌺1️⃣ Apple Yam Millet Paste
Half an apple, 100g yam, 20g millet, 500ml water, rock sugar to taste

🌺2️⃣ Pumpkin Millet Paste
1 babe pumpkin, millet 20q, 5 pitted red dates, 500ml water, rock sugar to taste

🌺3️⃣ Walnut Millet Paste
6 walnuts, 15g peanuts, 30g millet, 500ml water, rock sugar

🌺4️⃣ Carrot Millet Paste
1/2 carrot, 1/2 corn, 20g millet, 250ml milk, 250ml water, rock sugar to taste


🌺5️⃣ Mung Bean Millet Paste
Mung beans 15Q, millet 20Q, soybeans 15g, lily 10g, water 500ml, rock sugar to taste


🌺6️⃣ Red Bean Millet Paste
Red beans 15q, millet 20g, red peanuts 15q, pitted red dates 5, water 500ml, rock sugar to taste


🌺7️⃣ Corn Millet Paste
Half a corn, 20g millet, 15g rice, 250ml milk, 250ml water, rock sugar to taste


👆 The above combination is the amount of 1~2 people, you can increase or decrease the amount of water according to your personal liking concentration, babies under 12 months are not recommended to add sugar, can not drink milk can also not add ~

★ Method: Clean the ingredients, put them in the wall breaker/soy milk machine and add water, press the "rice cereal key" or "soy milk key" while breaking the wall and cooking, about half an hour, a nutritious breakfast warm.