Digital Marketing
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Do you know what are the 4 models of digital marketing🤨?

It doesn't matter if you don't know, today I will share with you what are these 4 models of digital marketing 💁‍♀️.

4 models of digital marketing:

⚡Build a digital brand

➡You go to eat roti canai all day long, but you will only remember how delicious that food, can't even remember the stall name! After you left, you couldn't even tell the name of that mamak stall! Why? Because the cook didn't build up his own branding! If you let others remember your product/services and want to stand out among your peers, then you need to build your own branding!

⚡Design experience for customers

Want customers to keep interacting with you? Then you have to let customers feel a sense of experience!

➡The product is the entrance of the experience. It must be from pre-sale, mid-sale to after-sale, production, marketing to service, to provide customers with an omni-channel and consistent experience, and to continuously enhance the value of customers.

⚡Create demand

➡ When you want to sell a product/service for someone, first ask yourself: 'Why they need to buy your product/services? '! ! Bring out your value and your product uniqueness, make it demand.

⚡Innovative products

➡ Product enhancement and innovation are important. Not only that, marketing advertisements are important too. You couldn't just stay low and never have improvement on the product or marketing, it's too competitive in the market. Customer will not follow you again if there are some interesting products overcome you. To grab your customers attention, you must always create something new and innovative. 

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"To understand business together, digital transformation, to create a win-win situation."

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