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Agarwood leaves; rich in protein, vitamins and micronutrients, is an unconventional but safe nutritious food for consumption. Along with Chinese liquorice roots, Agarwood leaves can be produced into fragrance, Agarwood tea that aids in the detoxifying of human bodies and is free from caffeine.

Aquilaria’s small, yellowish-green flowers are rare and beautiful, and its healing properties are long recognised since being documented in the classic Chinese compendium of herbal materia medica, Shennong Bencao Jing. Petals of Aquilaria flowers are used in making floral-infused tea, known to reduce cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure. It can also be made into traditional Chinese medicine for various treatments, such as fractures, contusions and strains, or more commonly known as 'Tittar'.

Formed in the heartwood of Agarwood trees; resin is highly valued and blessed with prominent pricing globally. The essential raw material in the making of the fragrant OUD.

Agarwood roots can be dried, crushed, and combined with rose petals, for the making of quality incense used in religious offerings.

Treated Agarwood tree barks can be made into high quality paper.

Aquilaria fruits contain high levels of oil, where 60% of its total composition is fatty acids, including stearic acid and ximenyic acid; with excellent insulating quality and shine. OUD or Agarwood essential oil can be extracted from ripened Aquilaria fruits, and is exquisitely priced due to its rarity.

Agarwood branches can be dried, crushed, and combined with rose petals, for the making of quality incense used in religious offerings.

Agarwood trees are known as the ‘New Ivory’ due to its strength and toughness, allowing them to be pest-free and anti-corrosive. Agarwood trees trunks can be made into premium, durable furniture, beads, or carved into religious sculptures; premium products in international market with strong demands and prominent pricing.