
How Impak Happen ?

Identify Gaps - Assess current ESG pratices and discover gaps.

The first step in the impakESG framework is to Identify the current state of ESG pratices within the organization. This involves a thorough assessment to discover gaps in environmental stewardship, shocial responsibility, and governance. By understanding where the organization stands , leaders can pinpoit areas that require immediate attention and set the foundation for future improvements.

Organizations must first Identify their current ESG status to understand areas needing improvement and lay the groundwork for future actions.

MEASURE Progress- Establish metrics and KPIs to track ESG progress

Following identification, it is crucial to Measure the ESG adoption and maturity level. This step involves establishing metrics and ket performance indicators ( KPIs ) that align with the organization's goals and the boarder ESG principles. Measuring progress allows for the tracking of achivements and the identification of areas that may need further development, ensuring continuous improvement. 

After identification , it;s essential to measure ESG adoption by setting relevant metrics and KPIs that reflect the organization's goals and ESG standards. 

PARTICIPATE Initiatives  - Engage in ESG projects and initatives

Engagement is key , and the Participate phase encourages active involvement in ESG -related projects and programs. This could involve collaborating with external partners, participating in industry initiatives, or leading internal sustainability projects. Participation not only enhances the organization's ESG credentials but also fosters a culture of responsibility and innovation. 

The Participate phase encourages active involvement in ESG efforts fostering a culture of responsibility and innovation within the organization.

ACHIEVE Outcomes – Report on ESG performance and outcomes

The ultimate goal of ESG efforts is to Achieve tangible outcomes that can be reported on. This phase focuses on sustainability reporting, where organizations communicate their ESG performance to stakeholders. Transparent and accurate reporting builds trust and accountability, showcasing the organization’s commitment to sustainability.

KEEP-GOING for Improvement – Continuously adapt and improve ESG practices.

Finally, Keep-Going emphasizes that ESG and sustainability is an ongoing journey, not a destination. The business landscape is ever-evolving, and expectations surrounding ESG. Organizations must remain vigilant, continuously adapting and improving their practices to stay ahead.

Keep-Going highlights that need for ongoing vigilance and adaptation in ESG practices to meet the dynamic standards and expectations.